Friday, February 26, 2010

Day 36 - Three for Friday

Just when I thought my resume was falling into the same void from whence Heidi Montag's CD was birthed (and subsequently buried), I got a bite. Or three. Bullets follow with more information. Please be sure to put "potential" in front of each description. After all, a bite is nice but it ain't dinner.
  • (Potential)(See? I'm helping you out.) gig for an agency, freelance work
  • Position for PR/communications for a Fortune 500 corporation (via a recruiter, so I have no idea what company this would be, however I'm fairly certain it is not Enron) and
  • Community affairs job for a grocery store chain
Will it play out like a cheesy gameshow?

Chuck, I pick curtain number three! 

What's behind curtain number three? Is it the financially uncertain but fairly boss-free/autonomous  existence? Or the pressure-cooker job with a potential raise? Or the civic-minded detail paying about 1/2 of what you made before? Let's see!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

PLEASE don't compare your resume (or anything of yours) to Heidi Montag. She's so uncertain she can't even be referenced publicly on her own--it's "Speidi." And she's only half human anymore, anyway.

Bites are good.