Monday, February 15, 2010

Day 25 - Oh Crap, I was Productive Today

To celebrate day 24, er 25 (I've lost count already) of my ... em ... liberation, I actually did something(s) productive today. 

One, I took advantage of a national chain of fitness clubs by signing up for a free two-week pass and then actually worked out. I will continue to use the pass every day until the offer expires and I must hop to the next club giving away free services. It isn't cheating. It's the American way. My way. (I'm obsessed with coupons lately. Not a bad habit to have.)

Two, as I got a chance to work out, so must my dog. She got treated to a two-hour visit to the local dog park where she confusedly sniffed the ground for 45 minutes until she caught on to the fact that she could help the pack chase the submissive dogs all around the park. It was truly lovely watching her be a bully.

Three, I finished a social media strategy proposal for a (potential) new client. It's my first social media strategy and my first (potential) new client.

Four, I cooked dinner. For me, that is a big big deal. Surprisingly enough, the boxed scalloped potatoes that I got for $1.25 on clearance tasted like a paper bag marinated in butter, old basil and urine and baked for 20 minutes at 425 degrees. 

Five, I started some online promotion for a nonprofit org I volunteer for. Keyword: Started. Facebook started hiccuping and I lost my patience. Good thing I have free time tomorrow.

Seeing how I was so productive today, God got mad and smote me.  Either the cheap a** potatoes or the cheap a** wine (or both) has (have) made my eyes swell up like full cow udders. Time to down some allergy eye drops, nose spray and anything else that looks medicinally useful - even slightly.
Well, let's see how things go tomorrow.

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