Friday, February 5, 2010

Day 15 - I Didn't Like You Anyway

It's the employment hustle: Force feed the job opps pipeline by working the network, stalking recruiters, scouring job listings, pumping hands, dancing, singing, divining and using one of those metal detectors (whilst wrapped in a Snuggie) that you see advertised on late night TV. 

The point is this: After hours/days of sweat, research, interviews, follow up and hope, you can end up right where you began - rejected from another job and wondering why you're throwing 10 low-calorie ice cream treats down your pie hole.

Rejection sucks. And I have to admit it's bothered me a little more than I thought it would. 

For example: One company's rejection left me sobbing on the phone to my sister. I wasn't sold on the company. I wasn't sold on the position. Yet, when I heard they found their "ideal candidate" (not me and btw, that's always an ouchy [and bullshitty] phrase to hear), I felt like the one kid in high school that never got a date.

No worries though. I'm working through my job rejection issues by building up a tolerance: Hitting on every man within voice distance, applying for every bank loan and credit card possible and writing (and submitting) bad poetry. Soon I'll be the equivalent of a rejection teflon. Go on, just try to make me care!

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