Thursday, May 6, 2010

For my Mom (OR - if you don't like it, you can suck it)

My Mom was always a sucker (like her daughters) for Cat Stevens (as we knew him. Now he is Yusuf Islam.) And she loved "Morning has Broken." (We actually used to sing it in church so to combine a church song with Cat Stevens? Well, that's a double chocolate, hot fudge and vanilla ice cream treat and the [formerly known as] Brenneman women are calling for the ice cream truck!)

So as an early Mother's Day present, here's Cat (as he was known when this was filmed) singing her favorite song.

Two notes:

1. You don't like this, as the title suggests, you can suck it. I have confidence that at least 50% of my 11 followers will tolerate this.
2. The amazingly talented keyboardist with the afro is mine. I saw you looking at him. Back off.

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