Sunday, April 18, 2010

Day 89 - When Pollen Attacks

Austin = Pollen.

Now, I'm not one for math or math-like work, but that is one equation I learned in March and April of 2009, just a couple of months after I moved here from Austin.

It started out (in March 09) as an irritated eye. In fact, I hardly noticed until one of my coworkers pointed and shouted, "Pink eye!"

Holy shi*t. Pink eye? That's something children get. Or dirty, dirty adults. Cue the shame. Cue the working from home and jabs from coworkers. More importantly, cue the doctor visits.

It took three doctors' visits and three different prescriptions (and by this time, my eyes were mostly shut closed and I had to wear two pairs of sunglasses to drive they hurt so much) until one bright physician finally identified that it was *gasp* an allergy. (Oh victorious day! It is not dreaded pink eye!)

Turns out tree pollen wrecks havoc with my eyeballs. Houston = not a problem. Austin = hypervigilance and major dosage on allergy meds and eye drops.

Don't believe me? Then, my stern disapprover, eyeball this picture:

This is my balcony chair today. Notice the yellow? That's pollen. After two days of rain, there's still that much pollen there. And if you look on the floor,  you can see dimplings of more pollen coating. Not clear? Try this:

Ah crap. That isn't so clear either. But take my word for it that all those spots where the balcony looks dirty - that's actually pollen nestled in the teats of my floor. After two days of rain.

Par for the course, right? New city. New things to get used to. Yeah, well, all is ok now after an incredibly painful month of raw eye. Am I holding a grudge? Yes. Yes I am. But I am also holding Zyrtec and antihistamine eye drops. Problem (mostly) solved.

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