Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Day 78 - Are Dreams Worth a Confederate Dollar?

Do dreams really exist or are they the grab bags adults hand us as we waltz our of seventh birthday parties? (I'll have a plastic whistle, a novelty pin and a can of Play-Doh, please.) 

Whoa - before you contact the authorities to report that Dr. Conrad Murray has slipped me some mental propofol, this is actually a (semi) legitimate question. From a young age we are taught through parents, TV, teachers, preachers, books and creepy aunts, uncles and grandparents that offer us fused lumps of hard candy, that whatever we dream we can make come true.  Girls can become beauty queens, boys can become sports heroes and we all can become billionaire, statuesque movie stars that exhibit the business acumen of a Buffet.

But here's the thing: Words sure are pretty. They are the verbal one-night stands of the world - they make you feel good, fulfill a quick-seated need and split before that whole monogamous conversation comes up. We can all hem and haw, spit out reassurances and serve the verb as long as we like. But until our words are combined with action, they're as worthless than Confederate money (soon after printing, not today's value, which for collectors might be slightly more than face value.)

My point: Do what you can to support someone's dream. (Heck, do what you can to help someone figure out what their dream is.) It could be as simple as shutting up or watching a show or even shucking out a few bucks. Dreams are very real for some folks, drifting targets for others and still yet very nearly invisible for more. But I figure if you can help someone realize their dream, then you've gotten closer to getting your own.

(And yes, Mr. Rogers read my entry from heaven. He doesn't agree with all the language, but he supports the overall idea.)

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