Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Day 6 - Breaking Old Habits

How long does it take to break a habit? I drink. I bite my nails. But today, a habit reared its ugly, horned and pimply head and had me reeling. 

Driving to a meeting, I automatically signaled (Yes, I'm the only person in Texas who signals. It's a bad habit. Another bad habit.)  to exit and started drifting over a lane to do so before I caught myself. Yep. It was the exit for my old job. No where near where my meeting was. 

Time for a brain rewire.  My plan of action is thus: Every time I pass my old office I will mentally (and sometimes physically, but stealthily) flip it off. It will force me to rewire and disassociate myself. Let's see if it works. Experimentation begins tomorrow.

As for drinking and nail biting, well, let me work on the work thing first. The others will fall in place as I progress. Or rather, I'll keep drinking but maybe I'll stop the nail biting. 

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