Sunday, January 24, 2010

Day 3 - God Rested One Day - Why Can't I?

My trash looks like I invited five winos to spend the night - wine bottles, corks and beer caps all fighting for room in the limited space of my (quite generously sized) trashcan. Although it looks like the aftermath of a rowdy invasion of drunken, pizza-crazed wildcatters, it is really the result of hosting a good friend who came into town to console me during this time of transition.

In true reverence for my new cost-conscious life style, we hiked (free), walked the dog (free) and drank (at home, so definitely at a reduced rate vs. a bar.) Pizza orders did double duty - dinner and breakfast.

Consequently, when I awoke today my first inclination was to relax, avoid bright lights and take a day off from the job hunt. You know, a mind flush. Share the couch with the dog and flip through episodes of Hoarders and this decade's equivalent of Matlock, NCIS.

I stuck to this for 35 minutes. Then, as if possessed by Hermione Granger hopped up on meth, I suddenly found myself updating my resume and trolling the job listings. 

But lest you think I am an overachiever, after about an hour I did take a long nap. AND catch up on some of my TV shows. A shower is next on my list. Hmmmm ...

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