Sunday, March 21, 2010

Day 59 - The Penny Shimmy and Unfaithful Spouse (This Rant Starts with the Letter ... )

One of my* online job search resources shipped me** an article about how to "remain empowered after months of job searching."

Fabulous. Great advice. "Keep searching. Oh - and work out and eat right, you lazy sardine!"

Want to know my secret? Actually find a frackin' job. Then, after months and months (or years) of dancing for pennies*** during interviews (I can cabbage patch, wanna see? Wanna see?), you can finally settle ("settle" being the operative word) down and marry the mediocre "spouse" of your dreams (probably for a couple of months to a year or until said spouse finds someone who can do your job cheaper. Like a 20 year old with no degree.) And live happily (not so) ever after.**** 

* Guest post by Grump E. McGrumpgrump. Hard to believe, right?
**Again, guest post. By someone far grumpier (eviler) than I (usually) am - a Mr. Hyde to my Dr. Jeckyll, a Faith to my Buffy (if only I were as cool as Faith), a Meat Lovers to my Veggie Delight  ... you get the idea now, doncha?
***Watch the clip to the end. It's Christopher Walken. And he's re-al-ealllllly working for his pennies. 
**** Ok, maybe it's time for bed now. Grump is full-blown Godzilla now! (Click the link, click the link!)

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